What can I say except that I have been a big slacker lately as far as blogging and fishing. What with motor on our boat having to be repaired...lots of rain and wind..work..and that darned lawn constantly demanding to be mowed (well at least semi-constantly as my wife Pat does more of the mowing than me), my excuses are piling up higher than Josh Beckett's ERA.
So yesterday morning I headed up Rt.3 to Lake St. George to put the 50 hp thru it's paces and coincidentally do some actual fishing.
All went well as I pulled away from the boat landing and soon I was deciding on which streamer pattern I would be using. I finally decided on this pretty number..a Crystal Smelt pattern that I picked up on my last trip to L.L.Bean. Attached to a full sinking fly line
this little beauty should be just the ticket to entice a wary landlocked salmon.
The lake was a dark and foreboding place yesterday morning with low-lying clouds and a slight mist in the air, the breeze kicking up what my Dad used to call salmon chop.
And there were fish showing up, pretty steadily all morning on my sonar ...
Skirting one of the islands I came across this platform overhanging the rocks and ledge.
Would there be fish lurking in its shadow? Would my crystal smelt make its hoped for magic?
And not far from the platform..a strike..FISH ON...a leap..and then..FISH OFF.. Disappointing but exciting in the anticipation of my first successful LL salmon trip for the season. During the next 4 hours I got exactly 0 strikes during which time I drank two bottles of water, snacked on pretzels and consumed a roast beef and swiss cheese sandwich.
With the wind starting to pick up and the chop getting more choppy , in desperation I decided to troll back toward the boat landing, and as I was cleaning up my crumbs, a hit! This time the hook was well set and with my landing net prepared to cradle my catch I reeled in...in great excitement to find....
one small bass..my only catch for the day.
But I'm ok with it all. The motor ran great and it's always great to be back on the water..except when it rains, or is foggy, or too windy, or too cold, or the fish aren't biting, or Big Ray upchucks in the boat, or ......
A few observations my friend. Johs Becketts ERA, now thats an excuse.
ReplyDeleteThat streamer will produce a landlocked or two for sure.
And a smallie no matter what size is a fighter.
Thanks Brk Trt..Will you tie me a couple with silver and green wrappings? I'll make it worth your while?
DeleteWhat are silver and green wrappings?
DeleteYou see Brk Trt..my question just shows my ignorance and probably a major reason I don't catch more fish! I was thinking about alternating silver and green along the shaft of the hook, instead of all silver as in the picture. I'm normally not that bold to ask something like that.