Monday, December 6, 2010

Where Oh Where Art Thou Grand Lake?

The snow is falling and I'm thinking about fishing at West Grand Lake & Grand Lake Stream next I settled in at the keyboard with my coffee and started exploring literature related fishing blogs and at the same time looking thru some photos of our trip to West Grand last summer. It seems like a long time ago...

Thoroughfare Between West Grand and Pocumcus Lakes
So..I came across the really struck me as the perfect way to describe the joy of fishing in such a setting as Grand Lake..

"With many persons, fishing is a mere recreation, a pleasant way of killing time. To the true angler, however, the sensation it produces is a deep unspoken joy, born of a longing for that which is quiet and peaceful, and fostered by an inbred love of communing with nature, as he walks through grassy meads, or listens to the music of a mountain torrent. This is why he loves occassionally — whatever may be his social propensity indoors — to shun the habitations and usual haunts of men, and wander alone by the stream, casting his flies over its bright waters: or in his lone canoe to skim the unrufflled surface of the inland lake, where no sound comes to his ear but the wild, flute-like cry of the loon, and where no human form is seen but his own, mirrored in the glassy water."

> Thaddeus Norris, American Angler’s Book, 1864.

The day is done at West Grank Lake from camp - August 2010

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