Saturday, November 23, 2013

Monhegan Part III

Moving on ...
 After our "moment" on the cliffs we backtracked the village

Past the famous Wyeth "Red House"...

 and the weather worn "Monhegan House".
 To a well deserved break at the newly opened
"Monhegan Brewing Company" for a refreshing Trap Stacker Special Ale.

 Working our way back to the boat landing we had enough time to enjoy some of the delightful scenes on that beautiful autumn day..
 The soft afternoon sunlight and lengthening shadows playing on the buildings and landscape makes it quite obvious why Monhegan has inspired artists for so long.
 Soon our ride back to the mainland approached and our short visit to Monhegan was almost at an end.
Sitting at the stern on the Elizabeth Ann and watching Monhegan slowly disappear in her wake, we bid farewell to the "out to sea" island. And hoping it won't be too long before we can return to enjoy her charms once again.