Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Come and get it!

From my kitchen window...BREAKFAST IS SERVED!


  1. That is a very nice technique for bringing the birds in!!

  2. Are you naming them or just making them stand in a line so you can pick out the one??? If you don't mind, I'll take the big one in the front...

  3. Great stuff.
    In another month or so, wow.........

  4. Trey..isn't that always the way? when you're not trying....

    DEDH..I've got them trained pretty well and they're not too afraid of me. I think I'll head over to Hamilton Marine and get a net that I can drop it over the lot of them and send them off to a more deserving home, I hear Beals Island could use some.

    Brk Trt..That general area of my yard should grow real well this spring!
