Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pretty Quiet Around Here Lately

maine-matters has been pretty quiet as of late..the warm days of 10 days or so ago got me really fired up about spring and getting my boat out of winter storage

  but now weather reality has slapped me in the face..there's snow on the ground again from a nasty storm that came through last night and the temps look to stay seasonable ( i.e. cold in my opinion) for the next few days to a week. so even though there is no ice on the local lakes, The Rebel Sport will stay under cover for a bit longer until it warms up just a tad..i guess the waiting game is still on for those lake dwelling silver backs.  But open water fishing is set to start on Monday so my 3 wt fly rod may see some  brookie action..


  1. I was ready for spring too. At least Kelley likes the snow

  2. Snow this weekend? Brookies and 3wt's, good luck my friend.

    1. Thanks Brk Trt..I'm going to need all I can get..
