Dear Islander, I envy you: I'm very fond of islands, too.." Edna St. Vincent Millay
It wasn't that long ago....
it really been that long a leap from the warmth of summer to the cold
of a January day, in the new year? Not a long leap at all but more of a
quick jump from July to January, or so it seems. Back on those high
days of summer, plans were being made... routes drawn... ferry schedules
perused... tide tables considered. All of this considerable "work" ,
is really more a labor of love. And love it we do. Whether we travel to
the islands on our boat or as passengers on one of the many ferries that
ply the coastal waters. Either .. or .. is good in our book.
I thought that since it may be a while before we get to feel the salt
spray in our face, I'll spend sometime reviewing a few of the islands
that we, as Millay says, are "very fond of" as well.
always best to start closest to home and since we call Belfast home ,
that starting point will be our "go to" island when time is short...
Sears Island.

Island is only 5 miles by boat from the Belfast Public Landing and
usually it's a very pleasant boat ride but when the ocean breezes pick
up those measly miles can mean a wet, bumpy ride.
usually head over to Searsport first to check out the ships docked at
Mack Point and then follow the westerly shoreline of the island. Years
ago, before the causeway was built, there was just a gravel bar that was
exposed at low tide. And I've heard tell that some intrepid souls
actually drove over the bar only to get stranded on the island after
losing track of time and tide. At high tide small boats could actually
shoot over the bar and make it to the backside of Sears. It was shallow
and rocky in spots but it could be done.
times we will beach our boat on that western shore, hopefully on an
incoming tide which eliminates the potential of being one of those
stranded, lost souls as in days of yore.

Our pups love to run around a bit and do some exploring on the mix of mud, sand, seaweed and rocks.

since that side of the island doesn't seem to get as many beachcombers
as the eastern side, we pretty much have it to ourselves. One of the
many great things about salt water boating is that you never know what a
new tide has brought onto shore. We will spend some time strolling
around, looking for bits of sea glass or a shell of some sort, enjoying
the great view of Turtlehead to the south.

And on a warm summer evening its a great spot to watch the sun dipping below the Belfast horizon.
waters surrounding the island is a favorite of the local fishermen to
set their lobster pots, with a good cluster of them hugging the southern
point of the island.
On the eastern shore you
can find one of the better beaches around, which over looks Cape
Jellison and Stockton Springs Harbor. This is a fine spot to hang out.
And on those really hot summer's days, take a dip or rest in the
afternoon shade.
There are also the remains of an old wharf which is
used as a nesting area for local seabirds including ospreys.
So Sears is our first go to spot and we are very fortunate indeed to have it in our own backyard.
Next up Islesboro..
What a treat! I can't wait to get up there, maybe on a sunny day in August, and poke around on the shore. And that Edna St. Vincent Millay quote! Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you would enjoy it..give me a heads up and maybe I can divulge some "local' knowledge...thanks for the comment..and I love our Maine poets..some of the best!
DeleteNice photos- Kelley and I like Sears too. We usually do a mix of the shore and some inland trails.
ReplyDeleteI know you and Kelley do a lot of hiking on Sears..hopefully Kelley and Big Ray can meet on the island next summer..thanks as always..
DeleteNicely said.Mike.
ReplyDeleteWe to enjoy beach combing.
Thanks's always exciting looking for new "treasure"..almost as good as discovering a new trout pool..come to think of it..a new trout pool is far better!